[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : Soovaboi
[00:01.000] 浣滄洸 : Soovaboi
[00:19.082]get tha champagne
[00:23.771]ey fire the rocket
[00:25.879]鐩存帴璺熺潃rhythm play
[00:26.971]imma winner in the house 璇蜂綘娉ㄦ剰
[00:28.815]control tha place 涓嶅彧鏄綋party涓殑鐙愮嫺
[00:31.033]hide in tha chill vibe 椋炲埌澶╀笂鎵嶈兘鍛煎惛
[00:33.323]create a rainbow like stephen curry
[00:44.951]we ride tha track singing crazy like billie
[00:47.081]*** tha *** 鎴戜滑鎶婁粬钂欏湪榧撻噷
[00:49.401]stay on the top level 鐢熶笅鏉ュ氨娉ㄥ畾
[00:51.687]i wait for a hot shawty 鍙兘鏉ヨ嚜宸撮粠
[00:55.143]we gon party
[00:59.638]we gon party
[01:04.153]we gon party
[01:08.453]we havin this claw see
[01:13.264]we go up for party yeah
[01:17.705]we go up for party yeah
[01:22.276]only vip
[01:27.068]dancin in rhyme ye
[01:30.715]got an airplane
[01:35.166]dont be silly 鎴戜滑娌℃湁璇細
[01:39.771]and i got my office up on maze bank
[01:42.460]like a rogue 鍑荤浣犵殑闈㈠瓙
[01:44.908]find my ears 搴氬瓙骞寸殑鍏堢煡
[01:46.980]imma babytiger 闇插嚭鎴戠殑鍓戦娇
[01:49.574]oh 涓€鎷虫墦纰庝簡闅旂鐨勭幓鐠�
[01:54.152]ey 骞磋交鐨則eam淇濇寔娲诲姏
[01:56.053]鐪嬬湅浣犵殑涓滆タ鍦ㄦ垜鐪奸噷鏃╁氨宸茬粡杩囨湡 bruh
[01:58.778]imma ben10
[01:59.824]call me a changer
[02:03.263]play wit tha flow i can play wit tha sample
[02:05.326]閭e叏閮ㄥ姞涓€璧锋槸闊宠建鐨刱iller u know it
[02:08.418]we gon party
[02:12.655]we gon party
[02:17.265]we gon party
[02:21.698]we havin this claw see
[02:26.294]we go up for party yeah
[02:30.794]we go up for party yeah
[02:35.468]only vip
[02:39.970]dancin in rhyme ye