[00:00.000] 作词 : HIE-满旭 [00:01.000] 作曲 : HIE-满旭 [00:02.000] 编曲 : From Youtube [00:03.228]Holding on to you [00:05.557]When my time runs out [00:10.211]We'll be in a different story [00:12.789]Watching over you [00:15.141]Even when I'm gone [00:19.185]It's all my fault,but I'm still sorry [00:22.372]It's a long way [00:24.749]But you're gonna laugh [00:27.166]Like you used to when I took this photograph [00:32.023]I will fade away [00:34.332]When the sun goes down [00:37.759]You're not alone cause I'll be holding on [00:41.221]我看见台下逐渐亮起了灯光 [00:43.628]是千百万个明眸的不可取代 [00:46.002]有你在 摇曳星火中拿起麦 [00:48.215]抚今追昔六年往过饱受着风霜 [00:50.595]无端的偏执难以琢磨是好是坏 [00:52.979]两面的利刃维持着可笑的平衡 [00:55.347]有心无力作罢就此挥手置身事外 [00:57.761]繁密星光随心点缀夜空凌晨 [01:00.202]无数细小的绝望崩塌不遗余力又出现 [01:02.573]夜幕抛之脑后的问题又再次卷土重来 [01:04.948]淡淡一抹色彩是为暴风雨做的铺垫 [01:07.363]等太阳升起只有满地席卷的残骸 [01:09.752]他希望一直这样为伴很多年仍与她 [01:12.115]不想要活在他人话语里和前人底下 [01:14.534]一六年到二零二二靠的不过是咽不下的气还有最初的那份虔诚起家 [01:19.934]Holding on to you [01:22.305]When my time runs out [01:26.957]We'll be in a different story [01:29.528]Watching over you [01:31.880]Even when I'm gone [01:36.035]It's all my fault,but I'm still sorry [01:39.120]It's a long way [01:41.526]But you're gonna laugh [01:43.958]Like you used to when I took this photograph [01:48.747]I will fade away [01:51.137]When the sun goes down [01:54.556]You're not alone cause I'll be holding on [01:58.084]是静谧深夜里他人睡去写的故事 [02:00.355]是多年来不问是非浑浑噩噩度日 [02:02.759]是遥远屏幕上早已失去温度的数字 [02:04.860]是不顾他人之言只背道而驰的固执 [02:07.352]到陌生的地方努力尝试过意 [02:09.710]回熟悉的景象想要回忆过去 [02:12.095]听檐上的雨滴释然的自由落地 [02:14.288]欲坠的人檐下发散了瞳孔啜泣 [02:16.870]靠白日梦中的那个理想化的自己 [02:19.103]安于现状或是背负一切破浪乘风 [02:21.666]万亿的人海中必然有些许相似体 [02:24.060]他们的命运之中又是否写了成功 [02:26.494]期盼再六年后终有那么一天 [02:28.747]时来运转留足迹在名人堂里面 [02:31.052]值得自己曾经的那份无端的偏执 [02:33.432]和守护虔诚起家那份不易的坚持 [02:36.714]Holding on to you [02:39.086]When my time runs out [02:43.898]We'll be in a different story [02:46.352]Watching over you [02:48.770]Even when I'm gone [02:52.710]It's all my fault,but I'm still sorry [02:55.926]It's a long way [02:58.333]But you're gonna laugh [03:00.677]Like you used to when I took this photograph [03:05.606]I will fade away [03:07.991]When the sun goes down [03:11.350]You're not alone cause I'll be holding on