[00:00]閾惰壊瀛愬脊 (銆婁竷鑺掓槦路绗簩瀛c�嬪箍鎾墽鎻掓洸) - 鏋楀織鎭� [00:05]// [00:05]璇嶏細娉犳碃 [00:05]// [00:05]鏇诧細kami [00:05]// [00:05]缂栨洸锛歬ami [00:06]// [00:06]鍒朵綔浜猴細kami/negar [00:07]// [00:07]娣烽煶锛歬ami/negar [00:07]// [00:07]姣嶅甫锛歴hapi [00:08]// [00:08]鍚変粬锛歴hapi [00:08]// [00:08]鍚変粬锛氶钑� [00:09]// [00:09]鍚変粬锛歯egar [00:09]// [00:09]鍚変粬锛歬ami [00:10]// [00:10]璐濇柉锛歴hapi [00:10]// [00:10]screaming锛氳壘鑷� [00:11]// [00:11]鍜屽0锛氭灄蹇楁亽 [00:12]// [00:12]Silver bullet [00:23]// [00:23]Eternal life [00:32]// [00:32]For the sun rise [00:43]// [00:43]He reaches out [00:48]// [00:48]Do not stop [00:49]涓嶈鍋滀笅鑴氭 [00:49]Who is waiting for a curtain call [00:51]璋佸湪绛変竴鍦鸿阿骞� [00:51]Who's chasing for a long long sleep [00:54]璋佸湪姹備竴鍦洪暱鐪� [00:54]He reaches out [00:59]浠栦几鎵� [00:59]Do not stop [01:00]涓嶈鍋滀笅鑴氭 [01:00]Enter the world of eternal life [01:10]鏉ュ惂 姘哥敓闄嶄复 [01:10]Shut up [01:13]闂槾 [01:13]With the silver bullet [01:33]鍘昏拷閾惰壊瀛愬脊 [01:33]That is nothing but a beautiful lie [01:38]閭e彧鏄竴涓皫瑷� [01:38]Now you see the sun [02:11]鐜板湪 浣犺拷鍒板お闃充簡 [02:11]He reaches out [02:17]浠栦几鎵� in hell鍦ㄥ湴鐙� [02:17]Who is waiting for a curtain call [02:20]璋佸湪绛変竴鍦鸿阿骞� [02:20]Who's chasing for a long long sleep [02:22]璋佸湪姹備竴鍦洪暱鐪� [02:22]He reaches out [02:28]浠栦几鎵� [02:28]Enter the world of eternal life [02:39]鏉ュ惂 姘哥敓闄嶄复 [02:39]Shut up [03:01]闂槾 [03:01]That is nothing but a beautiful lie [03:06]閭e彧鏄竴涓皫瑷� [03:06]Now you see the sun [03:11]鐜板湪 浣犺拷鍒板お闃充簡