[00:00]GO LUV URSELF - Karencici [00:01]璇� Lyricist锛欿arencici [00:01]鏇� Composer锛欿arencici [00:02]缂栨洸 Arranger锛歬vn [00:03]鍒朵綔浜� Producer锛歬vn [00:04]閰嶅敱鍒朵綔浜篤ocal Producer锛欿arencici/kvn [00:05]鍜屽0缂栧啓 Backing Vocal Arranger锛欿arencici/kvn [00:07]鍜屽0婕斿敱 Backing Vocals锛欿arencici/kvn [00:08]褰曢煶甯� Recording Engineer锛歬vn [00:09]褰曢煶瀹� Recording Studio锛歀overboy Studios [00:10]娣烽煶甯� Mixing Engineer锛欰dam Lunn [00:11]姣嶅甫鍚庢湡澶勭悊Mastering锛歅eter Hewitt Dutton [00:14]OP锛欻IM Music Publishing Inc. [00:17]Fake friends stick around for the good times [00:19]Should've seen should've seen all the bad signs [00:21]瀹炶瘽璇村叾瀹炴垜骞舵病鏈夋剰澶� [00:23]鎴戝鏃╁氨璇� 浣犳湁涓€鐐瑰鎬� [00:25]鏃╁氨鐪嬫竻浜� 浣犺繖鍋囪鍝� [00:29]鎬庝箞浼氭湁浜鸿劯 浼氭湁涓や釜 [00:33]鍒板璇存垜鐨勫潖璇� [00:35]浣犳紨鎶€瀹炲湪澶樊 [00:37]Yea ***** I see through that [00:39]Imma get you betta watch ur back [00:41]浣犳槸鍚︿細瀹虫€� [00:43]鍦ㄥ厜澶╁寲鏃ヤ笅 [00:46]浣犲摢鏉ョ殑鍕囨皵 [00:48]To say that you love me [00:50]You're so ******* crazy [00:52]Yeah that's a lie [00:53]浣犵湡鐨勫帀瀹� [00:56]You say that you love me [00:58]You're so ******* crazy [01:00]Yeah that's a lie [01:02]浣犵湡鐨勫帀瀹� [01:03]I hope you go luv urself [01:07]I hope you go luv urself [01:11]I hope you go luv urself [01:15]I hope you go luv urself [01:21]I'm so sick of all you fake friends [01:23]涓嶈tag me 涓嶈鐪嬫垜story [01:25]灏侀攣鎴戝惂 浣犵殑鐓х墖boring [01:27]I hope you die lonely [01:29]No I don't **** with u [01:31]鐪嬩綘鍚庨潰鎺掍簡澶氬皯鏇胯ˉ [01:33]Uh you're replaceable [01:35]鎴戞棭灏辫鐣欐剰 [01:38]浣犺窡鎴戠帺娓告垙 [01:39]杩欏彲绗戠殑鍙嬭皧 [01:41]灏辫繖鏍疯涓㈠純 [01:43]I bet you gon miss me [01:45]杩欒姝荤殑榄呭姏 [01:48]Come on鎴戠殑闂鸿湝 [01:49]浣犲摢鏉ョ殑鍕囨皵 [01:52]To say that you love me [01:53]You're so ******* crazy [01:56]Yeah that's a lie [01:57]浣犵湡鐨勫帀瀹� [01:59]You say that you love me [02:01]You're so ******* crazy [02:04]Yeah that's a lie [02:05]浣犵湡鐨勫帀瀹� [02:07]I hope you go luv urself [02:11]I hope you go luv urself [02:15]I hope you go luv urself [02:19]I hope you go luv urself [02:25]Fake friends stick around for the good times [02:27]Should've seen should've seen all the bad signs [02:29]瀹炶瘽璇村叾瀹炴垜骞舵病鏈夋剰澶� [02:31]鎴戝鏃╁氨璇� 浣犳湁饧€鐐瑰鎬� [02:33]鏃╁氨鐪嬫竻浜� 浣犺繖鍋囪鍝� [02:37]鎬庝箞浼氭湁浜鸿劯 浼氭湁涓や釜