[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : 灏忔媯涔�
[00:00.470] 浣滄洸 : 灏忔媯涔�
[00:11.940]On the bed I鈥檓 sitting
[00:13.947]Looking outside, memories flying
[00:18.200]鏈涚潃绐楀 鍥炲繂婊″ぉ
[00:21.191]Life is a fancy illusion
[00:24.944]Time is a thief, stealing everything
[00:27.950]鏃堕棿鏄醇 鍋疯蛋涓€鍒�
[00:31.945]At seven, I captured
[00:34.698]That one cicada
[00:37.453]Thinking I could catch summer
[00:42.440]At seventeen, on her
[00:45.447]Cheek I left a kiss
[00:47.944]Thinking we would last forever
[00:53.447]Is there a kind of eternity, which is unchanging
[00:58.468]鏈夋病鏈夐偅涔堜竴绉嶆案杩� 姘歌繙涓嶆敼鍙�
[00:59.466]The beauty I once embraced stops shattering
[01:04.728]My face doesn鈥檛 wither with time rapidly passing
[01:09.716]Farewell and adieu keep postponing
[01:14.466]Are people listening
[01:21.226]On the bed I鈥檓 sitting
[01:28.721]Turning over. Someone鈥檚 sleeping
[01:33.472]杞繃澶寸湅 璋佸湪娌夌潯
[01:36.225]That weary face I鈥檓 seeing
[01:39.475]Seem to be mine with eyes shutting
[01:43.968]濂藉儚鏄垜 绱ч棴鍙岀溂
[01:46.221]People who once loved me
[01:49.470]And I loved deeply
[01:51.967]Are all surrounding me
[01:57.470]Regret and affinity
[02:00.223]That I can鈥檛 take with
[02:02.973]Melt in the tear that drop lastly
[02:07.978]Is there a drop of tear that can
[02:10.220]wash away remorse?
[02:13.227]鏈夋病鏈夐偅涔堜竴婊寸溂娉� 鑳芥礂鎺夊悗鎮�
[02:13.727]That can pour on the old-time street
[02:16.975]as a rainstorm
[02:19.219]That old broken story, may I restore
[02:24.222]And apologize though she might care no more
[02:29.468]Is there a kind of world that never darkens
[02:33.718]鏈夋病鏈夐偅涔堜竴涓笘鐣� 姘歌繙涓嶅ぉ榛�
[02:35.228]Under my command are stars,
[02:37.724]the sun and everything
[02:41.168]The moon doesn't turn a crescent
[02:44.174]Spring's never distant
[02:45.672]Twigs and leaves are tightly cuddling
[02:50.419]Are people listening
[02:56.422]I hear, I see, this life rerun
[03:00.928]鑰抽檯 鐪煎墠 姝ょ敓閲嶆紨
[03:01.427]Darkness is where I'm from
[03:03.925]Darkness is where I belong
[03:06.675]It's the temporal that I'm among
[03:11.669]浜洪棿 鐬棿 澶╁湴涔嬮棿
[03:12.166]Next time who will I become
[03:16.427]涓嬫鎴� 鍙堟槸璋�
[03:16.925]Is there a spray of rose that never withers
[03:21.918]鏈夋病鏈夐偅涔堜竴鏈电帿鐟� 姘歌繙涓嶅噵璋�
[03:23.174]That's always proud and perfect,
[03:25.425]that won't surrender
[03:27.882]姘歌繙楠勫偛鍜屽畬缇� 姘歌繙涓嶅Ε鍗�
[03:28.383]Why in the end life will be like scraps of paper
[03:37.880]Unlike a petal that was once bright-colored
[03:38.878]杩樹笉濡備竴鐗囪姳鐡� 鏇剧粡椴滆壋
[03:39.376]Is there a piece of bookmark
[03:42.385]that reminds me of that day
[03:43.382]鏈夋病鏈夐偅涔堜竴寮犱功绛� 鍋滄閭d竴澶�
[03:44.380]Of that year and of that innocent smiley face
[03:49.776]Schoolbags are full of soda water and cakes
[03:55.037]Eyes only show pure naivete
[03:59.527]We don't care making mistakes
[04:05.032]Is there a stanza of poem
[04:08.784]that will never end
[04:10.534]鏈夋病鏈夐偅涔堜竴棣栬瘲绡� 鎵句笉鍒板彞鐐�
[04:11.033]In our life, youth is always the resident
[04:16.283]To boys and girls, guitars and
[04:18.533]dance shoes are given
[04:21.785]Forget about the sorrow, wish all be pleasant
[04:26.046]绗戝繕浜洪棿鐨勮嫤鐥� 鍙湁鐢滅編
[04:26.533]Is there a tomorrow that lets me start over
[04:32.535]To live the yesterday I have squandered
[04:37.286]No matter good or bad, it is what I treasure
[04:42.788]Hope at last, less regret would emerge
[04:47.782]Are people listening
[04:53.038]I don't want parting
[05:00.028]On the bed I'm sitting
[05:02.535]Everything seems to be fading
[05:08.285]鐪嬬潃鎸囧皷 宸茬粡濡傜儫