[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : Red-Pitaya绾㈠績鐏緳鏋�/Red Pitaya绾㈠績鐏緳鏋�
[00:01.000] 浣滄洸 : bezimenimusic
[00:07.408]涓撹緫灏侀潰鍥炬簮锛歍erran Hu
[00:18.905]I drop 鎴戞斁涓嬩簡绗�
[00:20.907]瓒佽€冭瘯鐨勭粨鏉熼搩 杩樻病鍝嶈捣
[00:23.407]闂韩杈圭殑浼欒 浠婃櫄鍘诲摢閲� 娣�
[00:50.157]I feel so good, I feel so great
[00:51.908]娌′笂椋炴満 鍗村凡璧烽
[00:53.911]my babe, everything you allocate
[00:56.907]do what you do
[00:58.917]do what you like
[01:00.907]release your heart into the sky
[01:06.157]enjoy the party
[01:10.663]'cause we feel like sharing sharing the night
[01:15.405]so let's move
[01:18.160]hold on your mic
[01:20.407]release your heart into the sky
[01:25.157]enjoy the party
[01:30.156]release your heart into the sky
[01:32.661]sky sky sky sky sky
[01:34.908]澶村儚鎹㈡垚閿﹂菠 鍗村儚鍙洐鍦ㄤ簳搴�
[01:40.657]涓ゅぉ瀛︾敓鍖� 涓€澶╁鐢熺悊
[01:45.156]骞虫椂璇句笂鐨勬ⅵ娓� 鏄綘鎴戝叡鍕�
[01:47.411]鍒颁簡鑰冭瘯 闂€佸笀 鍒掍笉鍒掗噸鐐�
[01:49.908]澶嶅彉鍑芥暟 鐨勯毦搴� 鏄綘鐨勭棝鐐�
[01:52.407]鍗佷簩瀵硅剳绁炵粡 浣犳病璁颁綇鍔ㄧ溂锛堝姩鐪肩缁忥級
[01:54.419]鐢ㄤ綘鐏� 娲荤殑宸﹁剳 鎽嗚劚瑁歌€� 鐨勯瓟鐖�
[01:57.160]涓� 鏃舵姳浣涜剼 浣嗚繖浣� 瀹冭娲诲ソ
[01:59.407]鍙垜鑰� 鏄眬闄� 浜庢眰瀵煎拰鏋侀檺
[02:04.657]鍏崄鍒嗕竾宀� 澶氫竴鍒嗘氮璐�
[02:13.658]do what you do
[02:15.907]do what you like
[02:18.159]release your heart into the sky
[02:22.408]enjoy the party
[02:27.407]'cause we feel like sharing sharing the night
[02:32.667]so let's move锛堜笉璁烘渶鍚庣粨鏋滄槸鍚﹂『鍒╋級
[02:34.659]hold on your mic锛堟壘涓湴鏂归噴鏀炬垜鐨勮韩浣擄級
[02:37.158]release your heart into the sky
[02:41.917]enjoy the party锛堜笉璁烘渶鍚庣粨鏋滄槸鍚﹂『鍒╋級
[02:47.167]'cause we feel like sharing sharing the night
[02:51.909]do what you do
[02:54.167]do what you like
[02:56.417]release your heart into the sky
[03:01.417]do what you do
[03:03.418]do what you like
[03:06.409]release your heart into the sky
[03:08.167]sky sky sky sky sky
[03:20.917]B锛歸hat the鈥︹€︼紵