[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : 鏃� [00:01.000] 浣滄洸 : 鏃� [00:19.911]It's late in the evening.(澶滆壊娓愭祿) [00:25.159]She's wondering what clothes to wear.(濂硅繕鍦ㄤ负濡備綍瑁呮壆鐘硅鲍涓嶅喅) [00:29.158]She puts on her make up,(閫夊ソ琛f湇绌夸笂,钖勬柦绮夐粵) [00:33.908]and brushes her long blond hair.(骞剁洏濂戒簡閭d竴澶存紓浜殑閲戝彂) [00:38.911]And then she asks me:"Do I look allright?"(鐒跺悗濂归棶鎴�,"杩欐牱鎵撴壆寰楀悎閫傚悧?") [00:47.408]And I say:"Yes, you look wonderful tonight."(鎴戠瓟鍒�:"鏄殑,浣犱粖鏅氱湅璧锋潵寰堣糠浜�") [01:04.406]We go to a party,(鎴戜滑鍘诲弬鍔犱竴涓櫄浼�) [01:08.156]and everyone turns to see.(鎯瑰緱浼椾汉棰戦渚х洰) [01:13.156]This beautiful lady(杩欎綅缇庝附鐨勬窇濂�) [01:17.909]is walking around with me.(涓庢垜缁撲即娆炬鑰岃) [01:22.906]And then she asks me:"Do you feel allright?"(杩欐椂濂归棶鎴�:"浣犳劅瑙夎繕濂藉惂?") [01:28.155]And I say:"Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."(鎴戝洖绛�:"鏄殑,鎴戜粖鏅氭劅瑙夊緢涓嶉敊") [01:41.654]I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes. (鎴戞劅瑙変笉閿欐槸鍥犱负鎴戠湅鍒板湪浣犵溂涓噧鐑х潃鐨勭埍鎰�) [01:51.153]And the wonder of it all(鑰屼笖鎴戣繕鍦ㄦ兂) [01:56.903]is that you just don't realize(浣犲彲鑳藉苟涓嶇煡閬�) [02:00.902]how much I love you....(鎴戝埌搴曟湁澶氱埍浣�) [02:22.152]It's time to go home now.(璇ュ洖瀹剁殑鏃跺€�) [02:27.151]And I've got an aching head.鎴戣鍒版湁鐐瑰ご鐥�) [02:36.399]So I give her the car keys,(鍥犳鎴戠粰濂硅溅閽ュ寵) [02:41.148]and she helps me to bed(.濂归€佹垜鍥炲骞舵壎鎴戜笂搴�) [02:45.654]And then I tell her,(鎴戝憡璇夊ス) [02:50.649]as I turn off the light(褰撴垜鎶婄伅鍏虫帀鐨勬椂鍊�) [03:05.398]I said:"My darling, you were wonderful tonight"(鎴戣:"浜茬埍鐨�,浣犱粖鏅氬緢杩蜂汉)