[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : WHIZZBIZ/寤栨晥娴� [00:01.000] 浣滄洸 : WHIZZBIZ/寤栨晥娴� [00:11.08]Girl I feeling your body motion [00:13.97]You know you can dance like wow [00:15.65]And you know you can dance like wow [00:17.97]Every weekend dance like wow [00:19.59]Give me that time and place [00:21.52]In the midnight when you need me babe i show up [00:24.04]Whenever you hit my phone babe i show up [00:27.03]Give me that time and place [00:28.81]Give me that time and place girl i show up [00:32.54]My friend call me would you wanna hit the club tonight [00:36.01]Would you wanna bring your girls tonight [00:38.14]Would you wanna 鍠濆埌閱� tonight nah i'm good [00:42.49]浣犺浣犺繖涓懆鏈渶瑕佹垜 [00:45.23]浣犺浣犺繖涓懆鏈兂鎷ユ湁鎴� [00:47.71]浣犺浣犺繖涓懆鏈兂鍙櫔鎴� [00:50.04]浣犺浣犺繖涓懆鏈兂鏀厤鎴� [00:52.83]Take you to the mall 涔颁簡杩欎釜鍖� say i got you [00:57.23]涔颁簡浣犳墍鏈夌殑鍙g孩 i got you [00:59.15]涔颁簡浣犳墍鏈夊枩娆㈢殑鐗屽瓙 涓€杩炰覆鐨勫崟瀛� [01:15.32]Girl I feeling your body motion [01:17.70]You know you can dance like wow [01:19.82]And you know you can dance like wow [01:21.55]Every weekend dance like wow [01:23.32]Give me that time and place [01:25.45]In the midnight when you need me babe i show up [01:28.54]Whenever you hit my phone babe i show up [01:30.76]Give me that time and place [01:32.68]Give me that time and place girl i show up [01:35.53]璁╂垜鍦ㄨ繖涓懆鏈府浣犵敺鍙嬪甫涓豢甯� [01:39.07]鍦ㄤ綘鐨勮剸瀛愮暀涓嬫渶瀹岀編鐨勮鍙� [01:41.85]璇翠綘韬竟鎵€鏈夌殑鐢风敓澶繃鏃犺亰 [01:44.38]浣犺鍠滄鎴戠殑鍧忓枩娆竴璧锋礂婢� [01:46.91]Can you free my world 鎴愪负浣犵殑Target [01:48.94]Tiktok寰楁椂闂磋灏藉揩杩涘叆浣犺绾� [01:51.82]Hot body 涓嶄細鍙湪鑹叉儏鐢靛奖閲岄潰 [01:54.45]鍚冧簡绂佹灉灏辫璁╀綘鍒拌揪鎴戠殑鏋侀檺 [01:57.19]Oh Christmas 鎬庝箞鍙兘璁╀綘鑷繁搴﹁繃 [02:00.17]鎶婃垜鍙樻垚绀肩墿鍐嶉€佸埌浣犵殑浣忔墍 [02:03.16]浠庤鍒颁綘閭eぉ灏辩煡閬撹浣犳崟鑾� [02:05.69]鏈夊お澶氱殑蹇冮噷璇濊繕娌¤窡浣犺堪璇� [02:08.17]鏆撮湶缂虹偣鐨勬垜浣嗕綘杩樿love me [02:10.50]鍑哄悕鑺卞績寰楁垜涔熶細涓轰綘涓撲竴 [02:13.24]姣忓ぉ閮借鍜屼綘涓婃紨涓€娈靛簥鎴� [02:15.66]甯︿綘鍥炲埌绔ュ勾鍋氫綘鐨勬椂鍏夋満 [02:18.55]Girl I feeling your body motion [02:21.99]You know you can dance like wow [02:24.02]And you know you can dance like wow [02:25.89]Every weekend dance like wow [02:27.76]Give me that time and place [02:29.68]In the midnight when you need me babe i show up [02:32.57]Whenever you hit my phone babe i show up [02:35.16]Give me that time and place [02:37.28]Give me that time and place girl i show up