[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : Lfeng
[00:01.000] 浣滄洸 : Lfeng
[00:02.000] 缂栨洸 : Lfeng
[00:06.034]缂栨洸 Tower Beatz
[00:11.860]浣滆瘝 Lfeng
[00:15.165]浣滄洸 Lfeng
[00:17.644]鍒朵綔浜� 鏁栨捣妤�
[00:24.598]your smilling in my sight
[00:31.058]like a noble angel
[00:33.226]loving you is the right choice for me
[00:39.246]but i cant hold you i lose you
[00:42.202]at the end of the story
[00:46.189]i hugged your bleazer like im hugging your body
[00:49.100]soft touch i fall in psychedelic dream
[00:52.049]Take your favorite plush dog on the trip with me
[00:55.220]goddamed I forgot you when you in deep sea
[00:58.400]I've been looking for you not knowing we broke up
[01:01.198]that summer was so hot The soul is grilled
[01:03.943]we are a made in heaven but our faction no god
[01:06.802]Every time I get emotion i hate to think over so **** many taboos
[01:10.947]shootting my heart along when your song is playing on the radio
[01:15.509]let me cant quit you no longer feel chill
[01:18.382]cus you are my loving pretty girl
[01:21.594]so my love has been misappropriated by you
[01:24.009]until i was bewitched for this evil reason i get ill
[01:27.180]when you leaved me my pillow to soaked in tears
[01:30.106]i havet ideas try to keep my dear
[01:32.435]im because you are
[01:57.098]鎴戜滑鍦ㄤ竴璧风殑鏃跺厜閭d箞澶� 鍙槸鎴戝嵈娌℃湁鐝嶆儨
[02:01.730]鐩村埌鍒嗗紑浠ュ悗 鎵嶇獊鐒跺彂鐜� 杩欏潗鍗庤吹瀹 浠庢娌′簡浣�
[02:07.379]鏈€寮€濮嬫湁浜涚枒鎯� 鎱㈡參鐨勫彉寰楀け钀�
[02:10.445]绛夊緟鍒版湁浜涘瘋瀵� 浣嗘槸鏃犳硶娓愭笎閬楀繕
[02:13.290]鎴栬璇ョ暀浜涢仐鎲� 鎵嶈兘澶熷鍔犲笇鏈�
[02:15.835]鎬濆康杞簡涓€鍦堝張涓€鍦� 鍖呭洿鐫€鍐呭績璺屽畷
[02:38.867]浣嗗埆蹇樹簡 鍒荤敾涓嬭繖娈甸潚鏄ョ殑璧炵編
[03:40.271]鎴戠粓浜庡浼氶偅浜涜€� 濂楃殑鎯呰瘽
[03:42.960]涓� 鍐嶅彧鏄竴鍙� 浜曞簳 涓嬬殑 闈掕洐
[03:45.820]鍠� 褰撴垜瀛︿細灞忚斀閭d簺鐮存寲鑻�
[03:48.919]鍗存渶缁� 娌¤兘绱х揣鎶婁綘鎶撲綇