[00:00.000] 作词 : SEA1 Gander [00:01.000] 作曲 : SEA1 Gander/八万 [00:15.688]作词:SEA1 [00:16.695]作曲:SEA1 八万 [00:17.937]编曲:Swings(스윙스) [00:18.942]录音:Roli肉粒 [00:20.192]混音:Nas [00:22.690]闲来无事夜晚走上了大街 [00:24.438]那些男男女女都像瘟疫似的躲着我 [00:27.188]劣质香烟的味道 [00:28.437]仿佛就像一把警钟提醒他们时时刻刻都要密切防备我 [00:32.442]I'm a bad man [00:33.438]99% copy《恶人传》 [00:35.938]也做等价交换 [00:36.943]一个讨厌的混蛋 [00:38.199]人们总怕我 [00:39.446]总想快点置我死地 [00:40.938]但他们不明白 [00:42.700]我才是社会的调节剂 [00:43.687]出生于底层家庭 [00:45.193]犯罪成为流行 [00:46.448]从小耳濡目染对于现状我早已心知肚明 [00:48.952]Hard and ridicule [00:50.191]在我生活中纵横交错 [00:51.445]Hangover out of the bar [00:52.949]再去杀人越货 [00:54.188]走出家门闻一闻新鲜的空气 [00:56.448]还不错 [00:57.440]我能做的就是不让自己每一天都得过且过 [01:00.701]拒绝颓废懒惰 [01:01.938]用实际行动告诉这块地盘谁才是真正的大哥 [01:05.189]What's up [01:06.189]I don't know what you care about that [01:08.938]Now I know is that it's not too bad [01:11.438]I don't know what you care about that [01:14.187]Now we can easily to kick your ass [01:16.687]It's said that the villian will gather here [01:19.438]They make trouble every day everywhere [01:21.943]Maybe they are also a group people need love,man what about you? [01:25.700]But don't tell them [01:26.937]One two one two [01:28.193]Everybody 听我指挥 [01:29.447]别让我失望 [01:30.439]I'm leader [01:31.690]那些在网络上花言巧语 [01:33.438]拿着键盘疯狂输出 [01:34.698]通通给我做掉 [01:35.937]My brother [01:37.200]老子开着演唱会 [01:38.440]你还床上接着睡 [01:39.701]还说我们是一路人 [01:41.438]No way [01:42.439]他们都想打败我 [01:43.695]可不知早已归顺我 [01:45.187]My homie [01:46.187]跟我一起swing swing swing [01:48.188]eh,我有天生那份不服输的精神 [01:50.940]eh,字里行间处处透露我的灵魂 [01:53.438]eh,看用hip hop音乐拯救世界的英雄来了 [01:56.197]有人自愿跟随有人只会当那路人 [01:58.690]eh,我负责创立当前这个社会新风气 [02:01.938]不停歇的工作像是喝了兴奋剂 [02:04.438]我就像诊断废物的医生说唱就是我的听诊器 [02:07.438]看看我的影响力 [02:08.696]Everybody say [02:10.198]I don't know what you care about that [02:12.945]Now I know is that it's not too bad [02:15.449]I don't know what you care about that [02:18.188]Now we can easily to kick your ass [02:20.947]It's said that the villian will gather here [02:23.437]They make trouble every day everywhere [02:25.938]Maybe they are also a group people need love,man what about you? [02:29.689]But don't tell them [02:35.689]所有讨厌我的人们 [02:37.688]往这看 [02:39.688]现在话又说回来了 [02:42.688]我有现在的成就也是拜你所赐 [02:44.699]若没有你们的否定也不能衬托我现在所处的位置 [02:47.944]我有一群一起玩说唱的死党 [02:49.950]他们每个人都像一首诗诠释出了自己的故事 [02:53.187]我们天生桀骜不驯 [02:54.688]但彼此互相信任 [02:55.695]到了最后我还是要说一句谢谢你们 [02:58.448]My friends [02:59.188]所有听过我们的作品的人们都在说着cool [03:01.688]赚取了大把的眼球美女都说wow [03:04.687]Guess who's back [03:05.438]Welcome Daisy [03:06.442]Respect my homie能够给我这个机会 [03:09.189]Double king [03:09.947]We are coming from DZC [03:11.937]如果上帝气数已尽 [03:12.950]用饶舌给他续命 [03:14.437]用八万的旋律在这个世界上横行霸道 [03:16.689]再用Markieff的热爱给这首歌再加点料 [03:19.938]多些赞赏给初出茅庐的Step & Double Z [03:22.438]再把掌声送给女家人Torres & JYB [03:25.187]我的足迹遍布全世界 [03:26.688]从纽约到青藏高原 [03:27.938]没日没夜研究punchline [03:29.187]所以我思想会比你超前 [03:30.687]Rap team leader [03:33.188]就让我把青春奉献在这片校园 [03:34.187]面对hater的强迫症 [03:34.688]我只能写出好的作品给他消炎 [03:36.938]把最好的一面全部体现 [03:38.688]就算最后无力回天也要输得体面 [03:41.188]年少时期发的誓言全部都得兑现 [03:43.950]轻松就把你秒杀在巷子的最里面 [03:46.452]就这样吧 就这样吧 [03:49.195]不要忘了当初执意玩音乐的话 [03:51.700]用自己的努力去建立那高楼大厦 [03:54.442]不要让我们时代的帷幕就在此落下 [03:57.438]Guys [03:58.195]I don't know what you care about that [04:00.690]Now I know is that it's not too bad [04:03.438]I don't know what you care about that [04:06.190]Now we can easily to kick your ass [04:08.689]It's said that the villian will gather here [04:11.438]They make trouble every day everywhere [04:13.689]Maybe they are also a group people need love, man what about you? [04:17.687]But don't tell them