[00:00.000] 作词 : 哈克杰/林朽Lin [00:01.000] 作曲 : 哈克杰/林朽Lin [00:03.187]编曲:XVIBE / GOAT MUSIC [00:10.188]带着一身傲气我踏上球场 [00:12.688]球在我手上像水 一样流淌 [00:14.938]比赛再激烈 也要注意修养 [00:17.438]不会门可罗雀 观众挤满我的秀场 [00:19.938]我流的是汗 你眼中流露出了慌乱 [00:22.187]就凭你这个样子也想争夺我的皇冠 [00:24.687]荒诞的故事交给loser书写 [00:27.187]我的故事里我自己才是主角 [00:29.688]一步一个脚印 即使暂时落后 [00:32.187]那些吹哨人黑得(hater) 令人作呕 [00:34.438]把牙关咬紧 跟自己较劲 [00:36.187]不相信算命 把比分追平 不是作秀 [00:39.437]向对方投放原子弹 五个三分 [00:41.937]we the mop势不可挡 你最好当真 [00:44.438]一点点 占据你的领地 [00:46.687]最好谨记 这不是 球赛 是场战争 [00:48.938] [00:49.438]hook [00:49.687]We the we the cham we the champion [00:51.688]I got the cham got cham got the champion [00:53.938]that is insane we insane we insane yeah [00:56.438]我们汗水划成一把最锋利的剑yeah [00:58.938]We the we the cham we the champion [01:01.437]I got the cham got cham got the champion [01:03.687]that is insane we insane we insane yeah [01:06.187]你拼了命的跳只到我们及格线yeah [01:08.688] [01:08.937]“他们太强了我们必须要暗中操纵 [01:11.188]不然冠军哪能送到我们手中 [01:13.437]得不到的永远在骚动 [01:15.938]嘘 小声点,还得掩饰一下做点无用功” [01:18.187]bull shit [01:18.438] [01:18.938]你以为收拢哪个杂碎 就可以顺腾摸瓜 [01:20.937]心里有点ac好吗不过一堆臭鱼烂虾 [01:23.438]“太棒了我们暂时领先他们十一” [01:25.688]不是吧就这吗比赛才过了三分之一 [01:27.937] [01:28.188]没点黑枪就凭你们也想动我挥毫 [01:30.687]那是放你们的没办法昨晚光嗨没睡饱 [01:33.188]给你子弹出膛也会像火车偏离轨道 [01:35.438]啊原来你不会啊 难怪你一直下水道 [01:37.688] [01:37.938]start it from the bottom 歼敌目标达成 [01:39.688]欢呼的多大声 自古邪不压正 [01:41.438]拼死拼活就为了证明 [01:42.937]万物皆有可能 赢面不止八成 [01:44.687]奇迹总会发生 [01:46.188]只不过是在我们这边你们只能酸的牙疼 [01:47.688] [01:48.187]我全能 不到最后不放弃 乘上反攻的班次 [01:50.937]也算是 不负这些天的累个半死 [01:52.938]可能会有那么一瞬失手小人得志 但是 [01:54.688]再黑的哨 也杀不死无敌的战士 [01:57.188] [01:57.688]那就暂时 先别让我停下 [02:00.437]听不进 那些胡言乱语 评价 [02:02.688]你惊讶 双手半举 像是准备投降 [02:05.187]我们举高临下 凭实力 拿下头奖 [02:07.438] [02:07.688]全都想 一战成名江湖大名久仰 [02:10.438]就像 球场 热血在我的心里流淌 [02:13.188]with my squad 这场战役必拿下 [02:14.687]我是武松拦路的虎也被我打怕 [02:17.187] [02:17.687]hook [02:17.938]We the we the cham we the champion [02:19.688]I got the cham got cham got the champion [02:22.187]that is insane we insane we insane yeah [02:24.687]我们汗水划成一把最锋利的剑yeah [02:27.187]We the we the cham we the champion [02:29.438]I got the cham got cham got the champion [02:31.938]that is insane we insane we insane yeah [02:34.438]你拼了命的跳只到我们及格线yeah [02:36.438] [02:36.938]人都倒了怎么还不吹呢 [02:39.188]这如果不是违体都算犯规了 [02:41.688]到底是谁在主宰规则 [02:43.938]who knows,反正是我们赢 [02:46.187] [02:46.438]hook [02:46.937]We the we the cham we the champion [02:49.188]I got the cham got cham got the champion [02:51.438]that is insane we insane we insane yeah [02:54.187]我们汗水划成一把最锋利的剑yeah [02:56.688]We the we the cham we the champion [02:58.938]I got the cham got cham got the champion [03:01.437]that is insane we insane we insane yeah [03:04.188]你拼了命的跳只到我们及格线yeah [03:06.438]hook