[00:00.000] 作词 : COIN白厂 [00:01.000] 作曲 : COIN白厂 [00:10.439]I don't know what to do [00:12.691]I've always been alone. [00:15.698]From this minute [00:17.441]I just want to drink and smoke. [00:21.190]How can l find my love [00:23.438]And show my favourite song. [00:26.439]OK I just say [00:28.690]It's hard to take a step. [00:31.437]他人的眼光打破壁垒 [00:33.933]肆意呼吸 也变成了不可能的美愿 [00:36.682]墨守着那世俗与陈规 [00:38.936]无法挣脱 懦弱的我 蒙上眼 [00:41.433]我像是只dolphin 时刻在performing [00:44.189]虚假的话语 空洞的表情 [00:46.935]妈妈说 你得稳重 [00:49.432]为人处世你得学会八面玲珑 [00:52.446]为何 那些奇怪的动物 [00:54.691]人类为了保护特地设置一方净土 [00:57.443]同样是珍贵而又奇怪的我们 [00:59.956]却被赶尽杀绝排挤到无法立足 [01:02.696]这世界太虚无 人性都太贫苦 [01:05.147]要求不高只希望你能有一些温度 [01:07.900]在雨幕中呼喊着光也不会赶来 [01:10.407]泥泞中苟延残喘不断徘徊徘徊 [01:13.147]I don't know what to do [01:15.401]I've always been alone. [01:18.398]From this minute [01:20.148]I just want to drink and smoke. [01:23.400]How can l find my love [01:25.649]And show my favourite song. [01:28.903]OK I just say [01:31.153]It's hard to take a step. [01:33.895]哭 [01:35.148]早就遗失这个技能 面无表情包裹我的每天 [01:38.653]度 [01:40.397]翻来覆去彻夜难眠 腐朽的梦侵蚀凌晨三点 [01:43.903]无助 [01:45.654]心房位置空空如也 涂抹黑夜甚至无需墨水 [01:49.148]不服 [01:50.161]懦弱占据了我的躯壳 眼睛依旧期盼撕碎遮围 [01:54.398]你说“等到黑夜翻面就会出现新的白” [01:56.899]时间翻滚整个四季数着落日在等待 [01:59.644]抬头看 云蔚醉漫世界斑斓 [02:02.652]探 裂缝中光芒肆意盛开 [02:05.147]Find out the life [02:07.910]We'll be the side behind [02:10.397]あなた、私、彼で行こう [02:12.893]明日は次に生き返ろう [02:15.900]I don't know what to do [02:18.151]I've always been alone. [02:21.145]From this minute [02:23.144]I just want to drink and smoke. [02:26.395]How can l find my love [02:28.646]And show my favourite song. [02:31.653]OK I just say [02:33.896]It's hard to take a step. [02:36.902]I don't know what to do [02:39.154]I've always been alone. [02:42.148]From this minute [02:43.903]I just want to drink and smoke. [02:47.153]How can l find my love [02:49.395]And show my favourite song. [02:52.644]OK i don't want to know it [02:54.652]It's so great to walk on my way baby