[00:02.196]Personent hodie
[00:04.938]Voces puerulae
[00:07.942]Laudates jucunde
[00:10.937]Qui nobis est natus
[00:16.695]Personent hodie
[00:19.941]Voces puerulae
[00:22.688]Laudates jucunde
[00:25.937]Qui nobis est natus
[00:31.198]Summo Deo datus
[00:37.685]Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo
[00:58.688]His the doom, ours the mirth
[01:01.943]When he came down to earth
[01:05.703]Flower of Jesse's tree
[01:08.695]Born on earth to save us
[01:14.186]Him the Father gave us
[01:20.189]Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo
[01:59.944]Is airiu agus a leanbh cad a dhéanfaidh mé
[02:20.190]Tá tú ar shiúl uaim agus airiú
[02:54.440]Lives my quiet cell within
[03:00.448]Thou in me dwelling
[03:05.437]All is lie but Jesukin
[03:14.690]Jesu of the skies
[03:19.191]My little one, Thou my delight
[03:26.438]I with Thee, Thou with me
[03:30.443]Next my heart through every night
[03:38.941]'S airiú
[03:43.956]Who hangs from yonder passion tree?
[03:50.435]Your son, dear Mother
[03:55.438]Do you not know me?
[04:24.940]Judas, James and John
[04:29.686]Have you seen my only son?
[04:35.437]Ochon! My eyes are blind
[04:40.939]Ochon! My heart is wrung
[04:49.441]Stella Maris, Semper Clara
[04:54.448]Rosa Munde, Res Miranda
[05:00.685]Misterium Mirabile
[05:14.189]'S airiú agus ochon!
[05:19.193]Sad I am till you return
[05:24.939]To have you at the break of dawn!
[05:30.187]Ochon airiú
[05:35.435]Without you!