Acetate Zero

簡介: Country: France
Style:Post Rock, Indie Rock
E (voice, guitar, bass)
F (guitar, voice)

Country: France
Style:Post Rock, Indie Rock
E (voice, guitar, bass)
F (guitar, voice)
J (guitar, bass, drums)
L (guitar,drums)
S (guitar, bass, voice)
? ? 目前可以得知的有關(guān)Acetate Zero 的信息不是很多,只知道這只五人編制的法國樂隊組建于1996,樂隊非常低調(diào),甚至連樂隊5位成員都分別用E、F、J、L、S來的掩飾了各自的本名?;蛟SAcetate Zero本身就是小眾音樂里的另類,從之前的情況看,Acetate Zero的作品歷來都是限量發(fā)行,最少的有2002年發(fā)表的7寸唱片《Northland tragedy》,只發(fā)行了100張,最多的是他們2002年發(fā)行的再版專集《Softcore paradise》的CD版,也不過1000張而已。所以雖然目前沒有任何明確的限量說法,但《Crestfallen》應(yīng)該也逃不過限量的”厄運”,肯定依舊不會是主流市場的寵兒,而且對于獨立樂迷來說,得到它似乎也并不是件容易的事?!禖restfallen》繼續(xù)了Acetate Zero以往舒緩的ambient旋律和矜持的shoegaze情緒。開場曲“Frozen”在類似原始不過的鼓點上綻放出用吉他描繪的噪音之花,接著第二首“The sad beautiful quintessence”返回到迷人的寂靜中,泛著微光的吉他響起,一個男聲用英語和法語說著什么,同時一個溫暖的女聲也在慢慢吟唱?!皌he collide of your mouth”中,Acetate Zero展現(xiàn)了他們對shoegaze的探索,吉他轟響出壯麗的聲墻。輕微的泛音點開了“december sounds like that”的序幕,在八音盒音色的旋律點綴下,嬰兒的囈語實在是純真的點睛之筆?;蛘呷绱速樖鱿氯ィ瑢嵲谟羞`Acetate Zero的音樂本意,因為Acetate Zero包容的東西寬泛到無法想象,每次聽都會有不同的驚喜。與幾張專輯相比, Acetate Zero并沒有在音樂上有什么較大的改變和突破。或者千萬別希望有什么改變,其實什么都沒有發(fā)生,那正是美好所在。
Acetate Zero formed in Paris, France in 1996.
In the early stages of the band, they mimicked the sounds of a meeting with Disco Inferno and Dead C. Over thelast ten years, they have subtly yet expanded on, minimized, and perfected their gorgeous timbre. Surely you will hear elements of Bedhead, Mogwai, and other such name-droppings. But they also incorporate electronic elements, loops and skittering additives, much like mid-to-late period Hood, perhaps. However, theirs is a sound that is all their own - one for late nights and grey skies and mournful beauty.?
The first single appeared in 1998, followed shortly in 1999 by their debut album 'Softcore Paradise' - released in an edition of 200 vinyl-only copies and selling out almost instantly. This album has since been reissued via US label Drumkid Records (originally slated for Slumberland Records but did not happen for reasons-unknown). As the band puts it, their finely honed and perfectly refined sound was now &A certain melancholy post lo-fi air of nothing.&
Several singles later, the group emerged with their second album 'Ground Altitude' in 2002, followed by 'Crestfallen', their 3rd album, in 2004 - both albums released on French label Arbouse Recordings. Again, these albums arenow out of print and Acetate Zero leaves the masses yearning for more.
Acetate Zero's performance are rare, less than two dozen in their decade of existence. During that time, they have played with Album Leaf, Encre, The New Year, Empress, and even took part in festival MO' FO # 4.

