Arrive Alive

簡介: 一支出生在美國華盛頓,生活在瑞典的獨立/后搖樂隊.
樂隊成員 Seth - guitar, bass, voices, occasional programming
Marcus - string/bass/guitar/piano/drum program 更多>

樂隊成員 Seth - guitar, bass, voices, occasional programming
Marcus - string/bass/guitar/piano/drum programming/sequencing & general software master
Seth lives in DC. Marcus lives in Sweden. They make music together. Go figure. Yes, you could say it's a little unconventional... but that's what makes it so fun. So far, the recording process goes a little something like this: Seth writes and records some guitars, sends them to Marcus, who then adds drums, strings, bass, whatever else they can think of to throw in there, then it gets sent back to Seth, they talk about what's good, what should be changed, mix the levels together, etc. This is the process. So far, they feel the process has been working pretty well. Hopefully you will, too.
Check back semi-often, we're trying to make a bunch of tunes, and will be posting them here when they are complete. thanks for your interest. and any and all feedback is both greatly welcome and appreciated. we love . honestly.