簡介: Aythis是來自法國的新晉新古典仙音樂團。該團是由厄運金屬樂團Lethian Dreams和Remembrance兩支樂隊成員之一的Carline Van Roos于2006年初建立。 Aythis的音樂里的風格元素極其多樣,能給聽眾帶來更加難以形容的視聽效果,其風格涉及黑暗氛 更多>
Aythis是來自法國的新晉新古典仙音樂團。該團是由厄運金屬樂團Lethian Dreams和Remembrance兩支樂隊成員之一的Carline Van Roos于2006年初建立。 Aythis的音樂里的風格元素極其多樣,能給聽眾帶來更加難以形容的視聽效果,其風格涉及黑暗氛圍,新古典,葬禮背景音樂等。
AYTHIS was founded in early 2006 by Carline Van Roos, who is also member of the doom metal bands LETHIAN DREAMS and REMEMBRANCE. The music of AYTHIS is rather difficult to describe for it is filled with many different influences. The style can be related to dark ambient, neo classical, funeral soundscapes. AYTHIS funeral harmonies are created by the alchemy between depressive keyboard atmospheres, haunting melodies, ethereal voice ...The lyrics theme explores mostly isolation, silence and death. The first songs written were the self- titled ‘Aythis’ and ‘Shallow Blackout’. Then began the ecording of !DOPPELGANGER! in August 2006 which ended in April 2007. Few months later, Aythis signs with the english label Paradigms Recordings which releases the debut album, Doppelgger, in November 2007.