簡介: On August 1st 2007, John Goff was pronounced dead. He died in his small house in Abilene, Kansas from a severe asthma attack. This was the i 更多>
On August 1st 2007, John Goff was pronounced dead. He died in his small house in Abilene, Kansas from a severe asthma attack. This was the influential event that caused John’s best friend Steve Moss, to start The Midnight Ghost Train, as a eulogy to John. “Something had to be done,” Steve says. “John’s memory and life has to be remembered in some way.” Moss then moved to his hometown Buffalo, New York with a plan to start a band, record a record, and go on tour. This was the idea and the drive that fueled The Midnight Ghost Train’s engine.
As soon as Moss arrived in Buffalo, he began to recruit members for the band. The original lineup included Steve Moss on vocals and guitar, Toby Cole on bass, and Jake Levin on drums. The Midnight Ghost Train has never been too sure on what direction they wanted to take their sound, and what genre to ordain to. All they knew was that their life and soul needed to be dedicated to music. Moss is a big early blues aficionado, so it was inevitable that the music would have strong roots in the blues. It was the heavy (stoner rock) side of their music that was most surprising since the band was never into much heavy music. “But when I’m on stage I love to bang my head and have the feel of loud amps and drums behind me, and when I pick up an electric guitar I like to play it heavy, and with force,” Steve says.
When it came time to record their first record, The Johnny Boy Ep, the band replaced their bass player, Cole, with Keith Harry-Carrey. This record was very diverse in sound. Ranging from heavy rock, straight up blues, and even acoustic and piano driven songs. Once the record was finished, Moss started to book their first U.S. tour. They had no idea how to do it, how they were going to afford it, or how to be successful at it, but they knew they needed to be on the road, live for the stage, and they were willing to give up everything in their life for it. Before the tour started, Keith had to be replaced by Brandon Burghart, because of Keith’s complications with being on the road and being gone from his daughter. So Burghart, Levin, and Moss took off on the road in the summer of 2008, and started what was to become a long, long life of touring.
After two long full U.S. tours drummer Levin was asked to leave the band, and bass player Burghart stepped in to fill the void. The bass was then filled in by friend Odie Lallo, this was the lineup for TMGT’s 2009 summer tour. On this tour they were playing brand new songs, and also started writing what would become their first full length record. After this tour the band decided to relocate to Kansas, which is the home state of Burghart, and where Moss lived for seven years prior to the band forming. They felt it be best if they recorded their new record on their own. So they got a house way out in the country (outside of Topeka, KS), built a studio in the basement, and began recording and producing their 2009 release which was self titled. Odie had complications with his hand, so he could no longer play with the band. As a result, Moss recorded the bass parts for the record. The record “blends gospel hymns of the sermon, down tuned rock and roll riffs of southern rock, and dark delta blues” -Metal Underground. The band wished for it to portray the honesty and passion of their live shows, which so many have come to admire.
After this release and it came time to get back on the road, they had to find a new bass player. This is when they came across current member, David Kimmell. After so many band member changes and hard strips, the lineup was finally complete and perfect. Burghart, Kimmell and Moss, went back out on the road with fire lit under their asses. In 2010, they went on their first European tour, in which they were met with great success. They plan on returning to Europe at least once a year. In 2011, TMGT got offered the chance to do a three month tour with road warriors, and now close friends, Jucifer. This was a big step for the band, and helped them reach a totally new fan base.
Although all of the band’s records have been highly reviewed, and have been noted as some of the best records to come out in the past five years, the band’s true passion, and where they really shine is on stage. No matter how small or how big the crowd is you will never catch TMGT playing any less than to the best of their ability. Their live show has been reviewed as being one of the best of all times. So much soul and energy is put out when TMGT takes the stage. They always play every show like it was their last, leaving tons of sweat and blood in their path. This is not one of those bands that just stands around, this band makes sure to give the crowd what they deserve. Always starting out with an old gospel acapella song called John The Revelator (in memory of John), they will take you for a ride, and you will not be able to look away. Their live show has become the pinnacle and well sought out experience of this band’s existence.
With nonstop touring in both the U.S. and Europe, TMGT now currently spends ten months a year on the road, playing as many shows as they can book. If they had it their way they would play 365 days a year till the day they die. They have no booking agent, and even though there has been several offers the band has no record label backing them up. “Judging from their quickly growing fan base, their drive, determination, hard work, and mind blowing passionate live show, I don’t know why a great label hasn’t picked them up yet” –Torche Magazine. But TMGT is not concerned about signing with a label, they prefer holding out for the right one. Their main goal is to tour as much as possible and hope to leave their artistic impression on the world.
In 2010, Moss’ father and mentor died of a heart attack. His last words to Steve were “Don’t ever stop playing music no matter what. Push it as hard as you can.” These are the words that the band lives and will die by. The Midnight Ghost Train will never stop, just continue to grow bigger and pick up speed. They will always tour constantly, make records and never fail to impress their fans and the world with their passion for music. The Midnight Ghost Train has burned all their bridges so they can never retreat. They have given it all up for the road. “We ain’t ever gonna stop, we’re just getting started,” says Steve Moss. This band is the ultimate eulogy for John Goff.